
Friday, February 11, 2011

"It's your thing; do what you wanna do!"

About five years ago, a certain rogue told me to never do anything because “I should” which I immediately rebuked. However, fast forward to 2011, and doing what I want to do and not taking action based on “shoulds” is my New Year’s Resolution… What originally sounded to me as highly irresponsible and self-centered, I now see as pure yoga.
Interacting and making decisions from your own core is the essence of personal integrity, the union of action and inner self, and it is asteya, “truthfulness,” in action. To do something out of pressure, obligation, or guilt, or completely based on another person’s opinion is an act of violence, “himsa,” and is a lie. Having said that, our higher power speaks to us in various ways and provides friends and mentors to us. However, we must digest this information and produce our own desires and truths.
It is impossible to give your all to something that is false and inwardly violent, even if it is an act of charity. On the other hand, when you help someone out of pure desire to do so, it is truly an act of “charity,” of love, and the results will be tenfold.
This can seem difficult at times, but the question is easy – what do I WANT to do?  Granted, it may seem like the answer will never be laundry or work, but the answers may be have a clean and peaceful home or earn enough money to buy a house or to take a real vacation.
Even when you are able to recognize what you, at your core,  want to do, it can be very challenging to stay true to yourself and to not succumb. It takes courage, bravery… and a little capriciousness. However, remember that most people really don’t want you to do something you truly do not want to do although they may want you to want to. ;)
Some of us are so used to acting on the basis of other people that we aren’t on our own radar at all and have no idea what WE really want. That’s when you stop right there where you are and start playing… and digging. If you find yourself in this category, it’s also common to resent (and secretly covet) those who practice it quite well.
Practicing the art of moving from your core and acting out of pure desire, while allowing others to do the same, is the ultimate act of “ahimsa,” nonviolence, and follows the old saying “live and let live.” Another word for live is to reside, so let us reside in and truly inhabit ourSelves!  Namaste.
It's your thing..." by the Isley Bro. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Law64SEq8U

Monday, February 7, 2011

Surrendering to Winter

I know it's hard to think about shedding layers when it's this cold outside! All I want to do is sleep and eat amongst the bleak grey clouds and freezing temperatures, but perhaps that is exactly what we are supposed to do - bundle up in soft cuddly clothes and blankets (that would be torture in five months,) catch up on sleep, and eat warm hearty comfort food. Being a western-minded person, part of me is very anxious and weary about all of this. The rest of me is secretly thankful - thankful for an opportunity to not push quite so hard, to recoil inwardly beneath the surface, and to regroup spiritually and physically- knowing that there is an internal fire that will never ever completely expire. It is after all this bleakness that makes us appreciate so much the first 80 degree day and humid night. So, let us surrender to winter, and then perhaps we will join the azaleas in bearing fruit this spring.  Namaste.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Shedding Layers

Yesterday, I did not get arrested for streaking, but we'll get back to that on another day. I actually had a lot of fun and am incredibly grateful for everyone's positive feedback.

I went for another walk this morning. I started out with fleece pants, sports bra top, long sleeved t-shirt, and a hooded sweatshirt - hood on my head - because, although it was glorious outside, it was still kind of cold. I got hot halfway and began to shed layers especially when I threw a jog in for a minute or two, but, when I was almost home, just the sports bra top was a little bare so I added the t-shirt back.... All of this to say, that we have to shed layers at times so that we do not suffocate and so that our movement isn't hindered. The layers of who we are trying to be, used to be, or think we are expected to be along with the baggage that comes along with them may seem comfortable until you start to peel away layers and feel your doggies breath.

This STUFF that we carry around and with which we cover ourselves up prevent our true selves from surfacing and prevent light and other manifestations from our higher power (such as love, faith, courage, etc...) from shining through to the point that we may not even recognize ourselves because we are covered up and incognito. As an old hymn says, "it's hard to dance with the devil on your back." So start shakin' it off!

On the other hand, we need to be compassionate with ourselves and not strip down to bra tops all at once in 40 degree weather... I'm sure some may take this metaphor way too literally this Super Bowl Sunday evening and as Mardi Gras approaches; either way, namaste! ;)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

First Post!

I've always been afraid to start a blog or the like because it seems a bit arrogant; so here's to being arrogant! ;) We tend to share our negative thoughts but not necessarily the positive, inspiring, joyful ones, and I want to put something different out there in the universe today. In yoga this morning (to which I almost didn't go,) during some pretty intense hip-openers (pigeon with Kathryn laying on me, frog, and then bow!), I noticed this feeling... No, not pain, hyperventilation, or even stretching. It made me giggly... but my body was tense, nervous; it didn't want to let it out, whatever this was. We moved on to savasana, and the feeling was still there. Pure unadulterated overflowing joy hovering just below the surface! Why was I afraid to feel it? It's not necessarily the most familiar feeling... and what if I simply burst or jump up screaming "yahoo!!!," strip my clothes off and run out side in the street? Well, it's 36 degrees outside, so that really isn't likely. I took a chance laying there in savasana and felt it. A trickle and then a gush of joy began to flow. Two hours later I still feel it. Part of me thinks I should go for a walk to shake it off; let it dissipate. The other part says "no, let's cling to this." (but you know where clinging gets you...) I think I will go for a walk; probably not a chance it'll dissipate since the sun is beaming outside, and there is no ice in sight! I'm just going to let it flow and just see where it carries me... Who knows where I'll end up. ;) Namaste.