
Monday, March 7, 2011

Take Care

Over the past two weeks, I have struggled with the most stubborn, gruesome sinus infection ever. On the second week, I was done being sick and threw myself into work… for about five minutes when my body stopped me in my tracks. I felt lazy, guilty, and depressed, but I realized that I was not going to get better unless I basically slept the week away. Despite my pre-existing obligations, I had an obligation to myself.
Three reasons to truly take care of yourself: 1) it’s practical, 2) you cannot sufficiently take care of someone else without first nourishing yourself, and 3) no other person can take care of you the way that you can. Two additional reasons for the hard-headed: when we tend to ourselves, others will step up to do the same when we are not there to enable them, and, in a relationship, people are less likely to deem you worthy of care or respect if you do not tend to yourself first.  
This may sound like I’m stating the obvious, but it’s harder than it sounds. For instance, I recently met a woman who suffered a miscarriage because her employer refused to let her take sick leave during her prescribed bed rest. My lawyerly reaction was that “she had a right” (under the Fair Labor Standards Act,) but she knew that she and the baby would need the money coming in, and so the woman pushed herself too far. Now, she is without child, and her employer hasn’t skipped a beat. Life is often not so dramatic, but if we fail to take care of ourselves, such neglect will take its toll subtly at first, then louder and louder.
Self-care takes different forms at different times. However, the basics are adequate nutrition (does not include Ramen noodles or, much to my dismay, diet Dr. Pepper,) rest, exercise, clothing, hygiene, and medical care. Yoga philosophy refers to “saucha,” cleanliness. The word encompasses the very basics of self-care going beyond hygiene to purity of mind, body, and what we put into them.
If you took a moment to take an inventory, what are you missing? Most of us are either missing rest OR exercise and are probably shy a teeth cleaning.
Nourishing yourself goes beyond the basics to include pure fun, comfort, and time to be alone and quiet with your higher Self. Knowing what you need requires listening within. I’ve always heard, “HALT if you are hungry, angry, lonely, or tired."  I promise that afterwards you’ll be much more helpful and better company!
If you are a saintly vegetarian and feel like you are floating in space, eat some protein for heaven’s sake. If you are overwhelmed, then Blue Bell ice cream or very cheesy mashed potatoes is completely necessary. If you are burning the candle at both ends, take a nap before you blow out. However, if you are lethargic and tired for no reason, then it’s time for some cardio my friend. Last but not least, none of the food, drink, or clothing on this earth will maintain you unless you feed yourself spiritually.
So, show some “maitri,” loving-kindness, to yourself today.
Take Care,

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