
Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Aside from allergies, there is something incredibly soothing and refreshing about the abundant green outside, the fresh, new life with delicate, intricate leaf and flower buds unveiling themselves, and the Earth saying, "I'm still here for you."

Spring is also a very messy period with all of the rain. As Parker Palmer said, we have similar seasons in our lives, and it's the messy tearful periods that lead to growth and new life. The pollen, rain, and mud remind us that some of the most beautiful happenings would not exist but for the messiness which came before it.

Farmers right now are grateful for the rain and pray that it penetrates the earth reaching down to the sprouting seeds beneath the surface and feeding what will hopefully be a bountiful harvest next season. The fresh abundance of spring feeds us as well in a reaffirming, cleansing, and soothing way, penetrating us to the core - if we pay attention - as does the spring of our lives: the new, delicate, and tearful moments, those where you can tell something is coming up, something is about to sprout but you can't tell exactly what it is... 

Feed and water those moments, be gentle with the unknown and delicate new chapters of your life, and see what blooms! - Crystal 

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